So, let's list lifes positives:
1. Make OK money at a job I like with lot's of scope and growth dealing with Small Businesses. Lot's of room to do what I like, a great team who work for me and an interesting space to work in. Located in a great city, lot's of great multi cultural restaurants etc.
2. Have a nice house, family I love and great kids. Get to spend lot's of time with them.
3. Close with my brothers and sisters, see mom a lot which is great and important.
4. Side business Number 1 - Web hosting and design, interesting and OK secondary revenue stream.
4. Side business number 2 - Small Business Marketing consulting - met some great business owners and have had the opportunity to learn and do some interesting work plus a little extra money.
4. Side business number 3- great goal setting site that I look forward to taking to the next level as a public service.
So, whats missing and why do I long for something "Epic", to be the heroic cheracter?
Missing parts:
1. No real connection to a comunity of like minded individuals. feeling of intelectual and emotional isolation.
2. Sense of letting msyelf down in terms of personal goals - write a book, push my career, more wealth and financial independence and therefore less stress.
3. Sense of physical malaise - I have not done a good job of keeping my physical health in top shape.
4. Intelectual malaise - have I really broadened or progressed in my thinking in the last 5 years?
Are all these insurmountable, of course not. so how will I keep myself on track to positive change?
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