Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Meta Principals

As I reflect on what is important to me I have decided that their are four key pillars to any framework for Personal Life Rules.

1 . Strengthen you Will - if your will is weak you will accomplish nothing.
2. Perception - you need to see the world around you clearly, as well as yourself, as they really are.
3. Strive - you need to strive for goals beyond your current abilities or comfort zone to keep yourself growing even if the goals are inner goals.
4. Be Present - we live in the moment so you need to enjoy each moment as it comes, to the fullest...But don't internalize the stresses of others or the environment

The end of these four principals for me is a greater degree of personal happiness and fufillment. The challenge will be bringing these principals to each area of my life and applying them effectively. So...Let's look at my day I am on the way to my primary job.... Tasks for today and normal barriers

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