Friday, March 02, 2007


We had a bit of a snowstorm last night, thunder lightnin and snow. Shows you just how messed up the weather patterns are lately. My almost 3 year old daughter wanted to go out and shovel the driveway with me. She had seen the small shovel in the garage and was keen to use it. After bundling her up in her little snow bots, hat, gloves and parka it is amazing she could move. She tried really hard and could slide the snow around on the shovel but not lift it. After I had shoveled everything she wanted to make snow balls...'it will be fun daddy' she said over and over. But at 3 she lacks the manual dexterity skills to make snowballs so i had to careful make them, hand them over and wait patiently while she threw them at me. She loved this to no end. Then i chased her in the snow for a bit, her little nose running. Could I have been any happier, not a chance.

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